I am from central Kenya, the tribe that has produced the current president. People argue we hate our brothers from west Kenya or as popularly liked ‘The West’. Well, am among those Kenyans who don’t care where your ancestors are from. All I know is that they worshipped the same God and called Him Ngai, Nyasaye, Enkai etc. where He was on top of Mt. Kenya or on the horizon of Lake Victoria he was God and a beautiful country we were blessed with.
Recently I accompanied my cousin to pay dowry for his sweetheart from Homa Bay. Ndung’u and Achieng were culminating their love with blessings from both sides. Left Nairobi so early to travel across rivers, hills, towns and counties.
The whole day journey got us to Rongo, Homa Bay. The hosts welcomed us with song and dance. They sang Luo songs, I didn’t understand but we danced along. We welcomed Achieng to central with kikuyu songs and she smiled even uttering some simple words.
The food came and I must say people from western never disappoint. The meals were made to perfection and Luo traditional delicacies all for us to enjoy and take a break from our usual ‘mukimo’ meal.

The ‘o’ people is what they love calling themselves. And true the letter is in very important people in this world. Our esteemed guest, Mr. Obama tops the honorable name series. Ouko, Odinga, Ochieng and most important my new name Omburu. It’s good to be associated with such honor so I added the mighty ‘o’ to my name.
Hope Mburu, my dad never sees this..
2007 was heartbreaking and we ruined our beautiful country just because I was Mburu and you were Otieno. I love all Kenyans, am proud of all of them. We may have different practices but Achieng and Ndung’u made it to a happy loving marriage, brought two provinces together and we all went home happy.
Let’s focus on happiness and betterment of our lives. Mr.Obama is of African descent and yet most powerful man in the world. We love him, in fact many adore him yet he has the o word. How can we admire a foreigner and hate our own next door neighbors, classmate and church mate?
Welcome to our country Mr. Obama. Your daughter has received many international proposals from our very romantic men here in Kenya. They have cultures that allow awarding herds of cattle for a wife. Others prefer fat bank accounts for their daughter’s hand. We appreciate their taste and am sure Malia would be taken good care of our very able men.
Yours sincerely,