Were Were The Winner’s Acceptance Speech

Were Were Sam The Winners Acceptance Speech
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“Last Years Were Were campaign was based on statesmanship; this yeaar’s was pegged on revolutionary agenda and outlook” – Ochola K’Ochola

The landslide by which the current KUSA president; Were Were won left many of his opponents and their supporters simply amazed rather than mad.

In KUSA history the highest number of votes to any sit had been set last year by Washington Shamela during the 2015/2016 KUSA elections with 9,000 votes plus, not even the president had that many votes last year. Washington was the Organizing Secretary then.

In this years elections, “The milieu” – Were Were managed to garner 10,301 votes!

Everybody will agree with me, Were is a popularist. His regime even at the beginning of his last term was steered towards giving KU students a sense of leadership commanding respect and with a huge ethnic backing went a long way to his winning.

Were’s team had the masses on their palms with huge crowds seen gathering during the final week of his campaign – I kid you not, the same was seen last year! According to his campaign strategist; there was no better candidate than him to win the elections nor with a better agenda than he (Were Sam)

President Were Were Sam Rally

In a Facebook post on his wall, Were had this to say about his win:

While I congratulate Were Were, the looming question of his involvement in what presidential aspirant “Kiogora Apollo” called the ultimate political propaganda in so many words: click here to read full post, has left many wondering if it is indeed what happened. Don’t get me wrong, I do not like to propagate lies and insults on this comrade’s site – but this is politics, such happens.

On the issue of the HUDUMA Center, KU – Comrades Forum gathers that the office is functional in BSSC room 7 – equipped and staffed with it’s services to the students’ broadening as need be.

“The 1st semester will not present anything big since it will involve a lot of policy formulations, boardroom lobbying and benchmarking. The actual implementation of the agenda will begin during the 2nd semester.” concluded Ochola – a proud man having helped garner the presidency the 2nd year in a row.

What remains to be seen is how and when the KUSA president will begin to roll out his strategies in achieving all he promised. After all, isn’t that what matters at this point?

KU – Comrades Forum will keep you posted on all news KUSA – you can join in by writing for us by simply using this link: https://www.kucomradesforum.com/guest-posts/



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