Online Betting? The New Paupers’ Opium

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While you continue to with your online betting, am compelled to shelve my mammoth jealousy feeling towards the owners of this betting sites and give them a standing ovation for at least providing a digital platform of ‘giving back’ money to the young people. Arguably correct, these are just the few Kenyans who have graced the economic fronts of our country for at least creating ‘employment’ for the youth.

From the international betting sites to the regional ones, Kenyan youths have relentlessly heavily invested in these very promising ventures. Despite a hoi polloi losing almost a fortune to this betting sites, more and more  newbies are piling up in this new occult of our times; perhaps also trying to counter the already humiliating economic status with an investment of less than a dollar . Unfortunately, this online betting malpractice is here to drain the pockets of the young people, who unknowingly develop an addiction.veekay

Am tempted to think that in this age of family planning and deadbeat dads, online betting has spearheaded in the list of causative factors. It is unimaginable how young married men spend more time on their phones than with their wives, desperately staking their cash in a bid to earn more. And in any case,aren’t they blindly helping the owners of these sites service their loans and enabling them purchase every other new model of the BMW? Now at least you are familiar with sportpesa, elitebet, justbet , bet360 et al.

Consequently, young people have had to forego what matters most to them like their education, by even staking their school fees for the hope of more, which is always not the case. A clear indication of how poor we are at prioritizing. It is saddening that we a courting a generation of lazy, mundane chaps who just want everything on a silver plate- a wholesome lot that have abhorred work and turned into get-rich-quick schemes. Doesn’t it sound uncouth depending on fate and luck to place some food on the table? This is the ugly truth of these digital times – a worrying state of affairs among the young people, who are expected to father the next progeny.

And by all means, if these ventures were lucrative as they sound to be, Chris Kirubi and other economic giants of our times would be placing bets online. Now it isn’t. The caliber bequeathed to these high profile economic giants only allows them to start up these betting sites to earn a fortune from the lost bets by the young people, who are almost kissing the poverty lines. Now we have to cope with the demon of illiteracy as fees was used elsewhere and poverty among the youth. What a worrying state of our intellectual set-up.


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