One on One

One on One with your favorite students/leaders…you name it!

Comrades Meet Bertha Akinyi

Sit-down with this aspiring beauty leaves one with admiration of how much the female gender has transformed itself from the depths of insignificance in the community to...

Up close and Personal with Deserving Entrepreneur of The Year William Kamau Thwagi

In summary • Was nominated gentleman of the year by for which he was awarded by KUSA in 2015 • Seeking to be nominated as entrepreneur...
'In Unity We Can Achieve Our Dreams' - Vincent Opar

‘In Unity We Can Achieve Our Dreams’ – Vincent Opar

Success alludes those who are faint hearted, the founders of this nation didn't give up, they failed using inferior weapons and crude machinery of...

Modicum of Wisdom and Politics

I write this laughing. Not the laughter from a really funny joke, the laughter you have when the exam paper lands and you know...
Event | Outstanding Entrepreneurs - 2016 KUSA Award | Thwagi William.

Event | Outstanding Entrepreneurs – 2016 KUSA Award | Thwagi William.

It is to our humble pleasure that we nominate William Kamau Thwagi (the mabuyu, pimpop and chocolate lollipop guy) for the 2016 KUSA Honours...

‘Take stands take risks take responsibility’ – C.E.O Stafrica Designs

Click to enlarge | C.E.O Stafrica Designs As we celebrate Madaraka Day…remember that we are the heroes in our lives. Whatever we do with our...



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