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Windows 10 includes a Start Menu that features both a list of apps and a version of the live tiles introduced in Windows 8 Microsoft's next generation of its operating system, Windows 10, is due to be released next month. The...
By Denis Okova Nobody wants to be a nobody. Everyone aims to be an achiever. A high achiever. We are aiming for the stars. Greatness is a much desired destination to us. We all want our names to resonate in...
This DAY reminds us the efforts of our forefathers, daughters and sons who sacrificed to fight for independence and we celebrate them. As comrades let us embrace peace,love and unity and we will be celebrated too. happy madaraka day God bless. Doreen...
Liberation, whether of thought or physical is an individual's initiative. We wont just sit there and wish to be free and liberal. As a generation we must liberate our own selves. "Nobody can give you Freedom. Nobody can give you...
Sydney | Madaraka Day Celebrations 2015 By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. # MadarakaDay is a good time to think who we are and how we got here" 'On MadarakaDay we commit to nurturing the heroic fundermentals. Comrades...
I would like to wish fellow comrades and the entire KU fraternity a happy Madaraka Day. As we celebrate this auspicious occasion I would like to urge all Kenyans to be accommodating to divergent political opinion and love one...
I wish everyone a fruitful Madaraka day as they celebrate 52 years since independence; let’s take the opportunity to thank the Almighty God for granting us another day and year to celebrate together. Let’s keep it Jesus always. Shalom. Dorcas Wambua
Hello comrades, On this Day of Madaraka as Kenya celebrates its 52years.. I wish to celebrate YOU for being the heroes of Empowerment always striving to impact positively in our society both directly and indirectly through our various lines of...
Stephen Mwadime As we celebrate the Kenya's 52nd Madaraka day, my heart goes out to the families, relatives and friends of the #147 souls lost in Garissa University College which happened exactly 8weeks ago. I urge all Comrades and Kenyans...
I would love to wish all comrades a happy Madaraka day and as much as we celebrate the nation’s independence we should also embrace the spirit of independence in our lives for a more self-sustaining future. The K.U-Comrades Forum Team!



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