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Eduroam network is now fully functional in K.U, according to KUSA Sec Gen – Stephen Mwadime there are 250+ internet routers in the university at strategic places with speeds upto 50MBPS! Eduroam is an international project adopted by most learning...
The charm behind this lady is far beyond just the physical at a glance. Introducing Miss Ku Rose Macharia, the current Miss Ku 2014-2015. When I sit down with the queen I am amazed at the simplicity of her...
BOOOOOM!!!!! And we’re back, this time I chose to reply to a post I read elsewhere. Flow with me dear ones. (P.S. the prerequisite for this article is that post...............)   Hello Malkanini! It has been a very long time, you however might...
The academic year 2014/2015 has seen SPAS as one of the most vibrant schools in KU, thanks to the ardent leadership of dean in collaboration with the congressman that has seen students’ interests taking priority. That said, beyond just...
Peter oh Peter. You were my first love back when I discovered these strange feelings most of us call infatuation or crush. Every time I saw you my eyes would light up and talking to you made me shiver all...
This is to you my unborn brother or sister who I’m still not sure about your sex because mama wants to keep that as a surprise. Frankly am even surprised you came along, I mean with mums age and...
Always knew Rihanna was a PHSYO. Do I need prove after what you have watched. Don't think so!
A Professor was teaching about a Proverb. He asked his students, 'why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?' The students thought for awhile. One said, because we lose our...
The match was a return leg fixture to a previous game played about two weeks before at the Kenyatta university Sports grounds. Due to the 1-0 Ultimate win in the first match, both teams were eager to showcase their...
I see you found your way back here!!:) PseudoDr. Reporting for duty. Roger that. So let’s -for a moment- imagine that I am a deeply profound and poetic person. (IMAGINE, only for a moment – it’ll be over soon, lol)...



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