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Ken Mutua said during the sunset days of the 11th Congress, there were alleged plans to change the constitution so as to reduce the number of units that one could have in order to vie for an executive position. It was thought to be President George Thuku’s idea to have a second term.
During a Congress sitting held on Saturday 11th April 2015. I vehemently opposed the idea and used these words, “… Mr Speaker, when we recycle leaders, they will become redundant. When they become redundant, comrades will be tired. When comrades are tired, that will be a recipe for chaos, they will exercise their mandate DIRECTLY!”
The motion was watered-down through acclamation. On 20th June 2015, my very good friend President Were Were then Congressman, Public Health, reminded me of the statement (see screenshot above) ⇑⇑⇑